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Were Directed Energy Weapons Used In Maui? Let’s Look At What We Can Prove…

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/12/23).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.



Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

(93) Mario Nawfal on Twitter: “🚨HEART-WRENCHING SCENES IN HAWAII | MAUI DEATH TOLL OVER 80 | CLIMATE CHANGE TO BLAME? People leaped into the ocean to evade the flames and billowing smoke in Maui. Officials state that at least 80 people have died, and unfortunately they expect the number to rise. Hundreds…” / X
(63) Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Twitter: “Hawaii fires result from poor tending of the land. First, industrial ag plantations obliterated native ecosystems. When these farms were abandoned, combustible invasive grasses took over.” / X
New Tab
How Hawaii plans to be the first US state to run entirely on clean energy | World Economic Forum
2016ERC_MapOnly.jpg.jpg (2400×1553)
directed energy weapons maui – Google Search
New Tab
The Last American Vagabond
New Bill Would See US Taxpayers Subsidize Experimental Israeli Laser Weapons
(83) Rep. Elise Stefanik on Twitter: “.@RepTedLieu & I introduced the U.S.-Israel Directed Energy Cooperation Act today. This bipartisan bill allows us to collaborate w/ Israel to counter global adversarial threats by increasing our cooperation on directed energy technology. Read more ->” / X
Text – H.R.6725 – 115th Congress (2017-2018): United States-Israel Directed Energy Cooperation Act | | Library of Congress
D. E. W. ATHENA Laser Weapon – YouTube
ATHENA Laser Weapon System Defeats Unmanned Aerial Systems – YouTube
Donald Rumsfeld talks about direct energy weapons – YouTube
‘Heat ray’ Crowd Dispersal Cannon -Active Denial System: Microwave Weapon – YouTube
Hearing loss of US diplomats in Cuba blamed on covert device – Business Insider
Department of Defense Directed Energy Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress; Sept. 13, 2022 – DocumentCloud
The Pentagon Is Spending $1 Billion a Year on ‘Directed Energy Weapons’
Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) Site_AFMC-2019-0163 (1).pdf
We ask two nuclear weapons experts if Kihei would be a target in a possible nuclear war
Maui Space Surveillance Complex – Wikipedia
Directed Energy Leader Dr. Kelly Hammett Recaps Time In AFRL, Looks Ahead To Space Position
High Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP)
Speaker – Dr. Kelly D. Hammett, SES – Association of Old Crows
Wayback Machine
Hawaii fire: Maps and images reveal Maui devastation
As Jeff Bezos buys up Maui, Hawaiian locals hope for best
Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023
Air Force Research Laboratory
(19) leilani dowding 🌸🚜 ☮️ on Twitter: “How fast will developers buy this PRIME LAND from the poor Hawaiian people of Maui that lost everything 😭” / X
(19) Graham Allen on Twitter: “GOD IS WITH US!!!! This church was left UNTOUCHED by fires have destroyed Maui.” / X
How Climate Change Turned Lush Hawaii Into a Tinderbox – The New York Times
(25) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: “What everyone is missing is the AFRL Directed Energy Directorate located on Maui. “We delivered the USAF’s first-ever operational directed energy weapons.” I just went over this on today’s show: #MauiFires #Maui #DirectedEnergyWeapons #DEW” / X


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

40 Replies to “Were Directed Energy Weapons Used In Maui? Let’s Look At What We Can Prove…

    1. Seems to me that it would make more sense if ‘God’ had allowed the CHURCH to be destroyed, and not the homes and businesses! What’s the point of a church building with no congregation? The town with its inhabitants built the church; not the other way around.

  1. Imagine a godlike “intelligence” in control of all kinds of advanced weapons systems. Oh, wait, you don’t have to imagine this, “its” already a reality! Lots of talk online about the future “it” will, and I quote, “ignite”!

  2. I appreciate this take, Ryan, I learned a lot. I have long dismissed DEWs simply because they are unnecessary to achieve these results. If anything, I thought 2020 lightening fires could have been some for of DEW, though not all that directed, they were abnormal, I have never seen lightening like that in my life.

    But the presence of these programs on Maui and the locations burned, I dunno, I’m open.

  3. There are many unanswered questions about the catastrophic fires in Hawaii, and it is too soon to draw conclusions about what happened and why, and I agree that speculative ‘conspiracy theories’ that are offered without evidence can be counterproductive or diversionary.
    Obviously, the first concern must be for assisting the victims of this tragedy and ensure they have everything needed to heal and recover from this unimaginable tragedy. My heart goes out to all Maui residents and their families.
    As federal and state emergency aid funds are allocated and disbursed, it will be wise to carefully scrutinize how the recovery funds are prioritized and ensure that local residents in Maui have a voice in all plans for recovery and reconstruction on the island. As we learned from the response to a pandemic, hidden agendas may be at work when government agencies and corporations conspire . Sasha Latypova raises some valid concerns in this post on her Due Diligence and Art Substack:

    1. “Following the fires, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez pledged $100million to recovery efforts on Maui. ” DAILY MAIL 14TH AUGUST 2023

  4. Hello Ryan,
    Excellent balanced video on Energy Weapons. In my view, you have to connect it to all of the other fires, like Canada and France. In reviewing the Paradise fire, how could you melt glass and aluminum?

    1. Fires hot enough to melt glass and aluminium? Come to Australia and see the results of a severe bushfire: no need for human intervention at all, believe me.

  5. They have had this tech since at least when they used it to shoot down Space Shuttle Challenger. I watched it live on a big screen TV at the time right up close at eye level. When I noticed a red spot develop on the one booster ABOUT half way between joints (looked very much like some of the early shots of dew weapons before they burn through), and you could see a trailing wound on the other side of the booster where the beam exited (i.e the beam went completely through the booster, probably a particle beam, though it is possible that the beam could have originated from either direction) and just as I thought “Oh my god, they are shooting it down” it blew up. They have never shown that close up footage again. Whenever the shuttle is about to blow they always pull back well before. Have never been able to find that footage either.
    That day they had a large Russian contingent on hand to witness the “test” and after that there was several rockets that blew up shortly after launch to IMO show repeatability. Of course, we all know what happened to the USSR shortly after that.
    This tech could very well be the reason they aren’t concerned about Russian nukes (or any others), at least a few at a time, though who knows how large the shield and capabilities has advanced in 40 plus years. One thing for certain is that they admitted to using the system to shoot down those chinese rockets back during the Clinton admin (they claimed the automated system mistook the launch for an ICBM, though that could have just been to cover for the tech transfer, they still admitted they had an automated particle beam defense system that would almost have to be space based), as well likely NK rockets (remember when NK launched multiple rockets to cover up which one was the prize and it blew up anyways?).
    I was likely the first one to talk about DEW, and Janet Wood actually “borrowed” the idea of exotic weapons used during 911 from me when we were back on the same yahoo forum along with most the other notable 911 researchers at the time. That these weapons are not necessarily visible is something I have long been pointing out.
    Good work on this show.

  6. Thank you so much. I have two comments… my immediate thoughts in grappling with sensibly trying to connect the dots….
    1. Im australian . Bush fires and cyclones are a part of life here. BUT… Remember the aussie fires jan 1st 2020? the smoke seen from space, travelling the circumference of the globe and the hysterical emotions it apparently evoked from the media and the world ‘watching ‘ our country burn to a crisp, the famous january 1st, NEW YEAR-welcome -to- 2020 , hell, photo of the kangaroo hopping through a fiery inferno AND hot on its heels as we all know came … the scamdemic ! Its very well documented and researched that these fires were NOT the usual bush fires.
    2. There are top secret USA military bases( comparitively close to Hawaii ) in Okinawa and the The Marshall Islands where H bomb testing was done EVERY DAY for A YEAR. To this day there are areas there that are radioactive and uninhabitable and the ‘effects’ of this atrocity on the indigenous people (lab rats ) was ‘studied’ .
    Please, especially Ryans brother, could you watch at least chapter one of
    ; a history of US military bases on the marshall islands and okinawa, japan.
    Perchance it MAY connect some dots , not rabbit holes ?

    1. Hey Frith – at the time it was happening (I got pinned by fire in NSW in Nov 2019) it felt “natural.”

      But after 2020 and COVID – it felt more like they were “softening us up” for the next level authoritarianism.

  7. “Following the fires, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez pledged $100million to recovery efforts on Maui. ” DAILY MAIL 14TH AUGUST 2023

  8. As regards the USS Ponce (referenced ~42 minute mark), from “In service since 1971, she was already destined for the scrap yard. Instead, in 2011, in something of a surprise decision, the Navy changed course and refitted her for new mission as a dedicated forward base in a part of the world (Persian Gulf) where facilities on land might be vulnerable to attack or otherwise difficult to maintain.”
    The lengthy article documents the Ponce’s role as the first to deploy an operational laser weapon (with CNN/YouTube video to show it off. They are very proud of themselves)

  9. A lot of these wildfires are also caused by non-native plants. A lot of the big wildfires in California were caused by all the eucalyptus trees they imported. The wildfires in my hometown a few years ago were caused by Gorse, which is full of oil.

    If they were to use DEWs to start these, then the kindling’s already there for them.

  10. Just incredible how so many people continue to blindly believe the mainstream matrix media regarding this “event” as well as a lot of past “events”. Proves how much control it has over humanity!

  11. Did you read on their website, they are sure developing energy weapons on Maui, but officialy its only some space laser telescope thingie, sure they dont say official they research DEW on Maui

    “We have unprecedented power to direct energy in a way that serves, protects and champions freedom. From powerful electromagnetics to electro-optics, we’re always exploring new ways to give our warfighters the upper-hand.”

    1. I was very clear about this on the show. I did a hell of a lot more than reading the website. But yes, they are outwardly only space surveillance, but you can prove many different ways that they are also making weapons, by their own admission.

  12. Dr. Judy Wood’s research on 9/11 makes it pretty clear that DEW were used for those operations. They call them black box operations for a reason. It is good to remember what happened on 9/10/2001 – when Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his dept. was unable to account for 2.3 Trillion in unsupported adjustments. That problem disappeared along with the WTC on 911. The video clip you show is probably from 2002. After her research came out – a bunch of truth groups with funding and leadership from folks funded by industry and the military brought on the idea of controlled demolition -to try to draw the attention away from her work. “Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic” Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon
    There are many videos and lectures she has on line.
    Her book “Where did the Towers Go” – is incredible.

  13. Regarding other possibilities as to the cause of the fire and the lack of response by law enforcement or military in Lahaina. An EMP attack on the electrical systems could cause fires, cut communications, and keep the alarm system from working. There are space based, airborne, sea based, and land-based systems that could be used to do this. Whose weapons is the big question. Then there is the issue regarding the lack of response by police and military on the island. Communications systems were inoperable so this would contribute to this, but there is another factor that could explain something else that went on. Neurological weapons can target the brains of people, individually or in large areas. This type of neurotech weapon is capable of causing impaired thinking, reduce situational awareness, neurological damage and cloud normal cognitive functions. In the interview with the woman on your show today she mentioned that a police officer appeared to be confused about what was going on. She said he didn’t respond to a woman trying to get his attention even as she yelled and waved her arms. He just sat in his vehicle unresponsive in a trance of some kind! Something to consider.

  14. It was reported that many “experimental and new” weapons, including “laser” weapons, were used by the US military in their invasion of Panama in 1989. When used on human bodies these “lasers” reportedly “melted” them, as well as having the same effect on metal as shown in the melted truck engine photo provided in Ryan’s report. Witnesses in Panama reported “automobiles that were cut in half by these lasers” during the US military’s invasion. The unique signature of such weapons used on human bodies were that they basically turned into a pile of mush. The effects of these weapons, as well as the overwhelming force used by the US military on Panamanian civilians, are discussed in the award winning documentary called “The Panama Deception”, specifically at timestamp 40:10 to 41:59. Looks like all those innocent people were victims of population reduction policy outlined by Kissinger in his “report.” Sad.

  15. At this point it appears the majority of modern society believe that what happened on Maui was an act of nature caused by a lack of care for the island’s biological environment. This is a familiar “narrative” these days. Those with investments in new advanced sciences and technologies are very interest in attempting to undo environmental damage caused by past industries using their innovations which they have positioned in order to take advantage of ANY situation that arises, be it a natural or an unnatural disaster.

  16. As an Australian I’m all too familiar with catastrophic bushfires, but what astounds me is the ineptitude of the official response. My immediate thought was “Pearl Harbour’s a couple of hours steaming away. If the USN is so powerful, where’s the relief vessels? Where’s the marines?” Looks like a banana republic to me.
    As for moving the original (as in ‘Aboriginal’) residents to ‘greener pastures’….we’ve done a bit of that, too.
    Fine bit of reporting. Thanks.

  17. Please have Dr Judy Woods on about directed energy – she is a PhD of mechanical engineering and would be a great guestn – she taught at a University

    1. I imagine Ryan is informed enough to know that Judy would be about the worst person on Earth, to have on the show discussing energy weapons, especially. How can you not know this?

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