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Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist

The parents of a severely mentally disabled man are speaking out on how the FBI groomed him as a right-wing terrorist, knowing he’s paranoid schizophrenic. Originally Released 08/17/17 – (TFTP) It’s become a near-weekly occurrence. Somewhere in some state, the FBI will announce that they’ve foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives. However, as Read More…

Top News Activism Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Police State Politics Propaganda Social Engineering

New Federal Bill Targets Patriot Groups And Citizen Militias As Domestic Terrorists

An ominous new bill is targeting millions of peaceful Americans who identify with being a patriot by lumping them in with extremely rare violent hate groups. Washington, DC — (TFTP) The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2018, introduced this month in the House, is making ‘patriot groups’ and citizen militias uneasy and for good reason. It is specifically Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Health Police State Propaganda Social Engineering

FDA Just Falsely Declared Kratom To Be An Opioid—Ensuring Big Pharma A Lifetime Of Profit

The FDA is proving its loyalty to big pharma and is putting the final nail in the coffin that is the legal, safe, and natural painkiller, kratom. (TFTP) In one of the most ignorant and corrupt decisions to ever come from the Food and Drug Administration, the government agency has declared the kratom plant to Read More…

Military Government Police State Social Engineering Top News

What Everyone Is Missing About Trump’s Military Parade

The media is ablaze with commentary about President Trump’s desire to have a military parade in Washington D.C. Unsurprisingly, lawmakers and pundits alike are aghast at the idea of tanks and other imperial weaponry strolling down the streets of the nation’s capital. But in the era of Donald Trump and the much longer epoch of American militarism Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Police State Social Engineering

Trump Administration To Test Biometric Program To Scan Faces Of Drivers And Passengers In Vehicles

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection is preparing to launch a pilot program to scan the faces of drivers and passengers at Anzalduas Port near McAllen, Texas. On Thursday the U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced plans for a new pilot program that will test out biometric facial recognition technology as part of an effort Read More…

World Government Human Rights Military Police State Politics Social Engineering Top News

Turkey Detains 449 People For Criticizing Invasion Of Syria On Social Media

As Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria continues, so too does their policy of arresting anyone seen as even sort of opposed to the attack. The Turkish Interior Ministry now says 449 people have been detained for criticizing the war on social media, and 124 more detained for taking part in actual protests. Turkey’s Erdogan government doesn’t Read More…