(TFTP) For decades anti-marijuana and even pro-marijuana advocates have repeated a narrative about the potentially negative effects associated with smoking marijuana and the male sperm count. Smoking weed, we were told, decreases your ability to produce sperm. However, an extensive study published by none other than Harvard researchers this week, reveals quite the opposite may Read More…
Marijuana Movement
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe Part 3: Marijuana Causes Schizophrenia
Originally posted October 1, 2015 One of the newest concerns about marijuana that has been gaining attention in the media recently is the worry that its consumption causes schizophrenia. This serious affliction is a mental disorder that makes it hard to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not, think clearly or have normal emotional responses. This Read More…
Critical Mass: On Tuesday, 3 More States Legalized Marijuana For Recreational And Medical Use
Three more states told the federal government they will no longer obey their tyrannical marijuana laws and legalized the plant in some form, bringing the total of legal states to 32. (TFTP) On Tuesday, while most Americans were casting votes for their favorite politicians and more laws, citizens in three states went to the polls Read More…
Marijuana Arrests Spike, Outpace Arrests For All Violent Crimes Combined
For the second year in a row, arrests for cannabis in the United States have gone up, also dwarfing the number of arrests for violent crime. The increases have come in the form of arrests for possession, not manufacture and sales. According to the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, out of 1,632,921 arrests for “drug abuse Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 5: The Gateway Theory
”While the gateway theory has enjoyed popular acceptance, scientists have always had their doubts. Our study shows that these doubts are justified.” – RAND’s Public Safety and Justice unit, 2002 One of the longest standing marijuana myths is that of the “gateway theory.” This is the theory that marijuana is considered a “gateway drug” which means Read More…
Ten Myths About Marijuana That No One Should Believe – Part 4: Marijuana Has No Proven Medical Benefits
Originally posted October 15, 2015 “We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States… marijuana was a legitimate medication.” Dr. Sanjay Gupta For more than 5000 years cannabis had been effectively used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Cannabis is one of the 50 “fundamental” herbs of TCM, and is Read More…