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Declassified Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

Washington, D.C. –  (TFTP) In spite of French-led U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 creating a no-fly zone over Libya with the express intent of protecting civilians, one of the over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve, contain damning evidence of Western nations using NATO as a tool to Read More…

Business Economy Foreign Policy Ryan Cristian Top News World

Breaking News: Iran May Have Shutdown the Strait of Hormuz

Social media observers have raised concerns regarding the strategic water way known as the strait of Hormuz. No ship has passed the strait for over 15 hours now. Some would suggest that a certain amount of traffic is common due to technical and mechanical problems that periodically occur, yet the abnormal congestion can be seen Read More…

Anthony Tyler Foreign Policy Top News World

Two US Navy Ships Seized Upon Entering Iranian Waters

Earlier today, January 12th, it was announced by the White House that two US Navy ships had been seized for “illegally trespassing” in Iranian waters. 10 sailors total, US officials maintain the story that the Navy ships were having “mechanical difficulties,” which brings little explanation as to why there were reportedly around 2 kilometers deep Read More…

Homeland Security
Domestic Policy Article Revival Featured Foreign Policy Government Ryan Cristian Top News World

Homeland Security Official Struggles to Answer Basic Questions on Visas and Security

The Department of Homeland Security displayed a level of incompetence that borders on apathy when discussing the topic of refugees and the Visa Wavier Program. In a time wrought with potential dangers from abroad, it would seem that the very institution intended to protect the nation from international threats, is quite simply, failing the American people. The Read More…

Conspiracy Article Revival Featured Foreign Policy Government Revolution Ryan Cristian Top News World

I Helped Create ISIS: A First Hand Account of the Iraq War

Recently teleSUR released an article with a first hand account of the barbarism that took place during the Iraqi war. Told by Vincent Emanuele, who was stationed in Iraq with the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 2003-2005, he pulls the veil from the horrors that were allowed to take place following the invasion of Iraq. He goes on to discuss how Read More…

Article of the week Conspiracy Featured Foreign Policy Government Revolution Top News World

Joint Chiefs of Staff Official – US Military Gave Intel to Assad, While CIA Funded & Armed ISIS

Washington, DC – The Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) have been indirectly providing intelligence on the Islamic State to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, in direct contrast to the Obama administration’s agenda of regime change, in an effort to stop Syria from becoming another failed state from which terrorists can operate. A Read More…