Technology Conspiracy Derrick Broze Top News

Facebook Is Violating Your Privacy Via Facial Recognition Technology

On April 6, a coalition of consumer privacy organizations led by the Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, accusing Facebook of violating individual’s privacy via the company’s facial recognition practices. The complaint focuses on changes to Facebook’s policy which went into effect in early 2018, namely the ability to scan user Read More…

Constitutional Rights Derrick Broze Government Police State Politics Top News

Federal Government Continues To Argue In Favor Of Indefinitely Detaining An American Citizen

On Monday a federal judge challenged the U.S. government to justify the continued imprisonment of an American citizen who has been denied access to a lawyer for over three months. Washington D.C. – U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan has expressed skepticism and frustration over the U.S. government’s arguments for detaining an American citizen for three months. Read More…

Social Engineering Censorship Conspiracy Derrick Broze Domestic Policy Police State Politics Propaganda Top News World

Google’s Eric Schmidt Says Americans Too Dumb To Detect Fake News, Plans To “Derank” Russian News

Eric Schmidt has made news with his latest announcement that Google is working on ways to “derank” Russian media in the search engine’s results. At this weekend’s Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and current executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc., discussed Google’s efforts to deal with the apparent rise of fake Read More…

Health Business Conspiracy Derrick Broze Domestic Policy Government Politics Top News

Trump’s Health Secretary Nominee Is An Establishment Big Pharma Exec

President Trump has nominated a former lobbyist and executive of a major pharmaceutical company to be U.S. Health Secretary. On Monday, Trump announced his pick for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. “Happy to announce, I am nominating Alex Azar to be the next HHS Secretary. He will be a star for Read More…

Top News Activism Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Derrick Broze Foreign Policy Government Human Rights World

The Trump Administration Is Holding An American Citizen Without Charge Or Trial

Civil liberties advocates are worried about the fate of an American citizen accused of fighting for ISIS in Syria who has been held for almost two months in a secret Iraq prison without access to a lawyer. The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to represent an American man who has been accused of fighting Read More…