If you’ve ever sat through the commercials for an on-air television show, you’ve likely seen advertising for prescription drugs. The ads often tell the story of a person who suffered while enjoying a common American pastime only to be miraculously cured by whatever drug is being marketed. You then hear the voiceover rush through an Read More…
Morgan Statt
Morgan Statt has a background in strategic communication and dedicates her time to writing about consumer rights and health topics. When she isn't conducting investigative research, you can find her blogging about her travels on www.fameandwanderlust.com and taking too many pictures of her food.
Trump’s Domestic Policies Are Bad For The Average American, But Are They Designed To Curb Corruption?
Government funding cuts seem to be the one overarching plot line tying the Trump Administration narrative together. We’ve seen this in the fiscal budget cuts and now in the most recent reveal of the Senate healthcare bill that could leave 22 million people without health insurance. Throughout this narrative, the media has done an influential Read More…