In recent years, the mere notion of conspiracy theories has increasingly been stigmatized and ridiculed by mainstream news outlets, internet trolls, and “rational” thinkers. Yet, with powerful revelations by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, and generations of intrepid journalists, we now know that many outlandish geopolitical and domestic “conspiracy theories” were and are cold-blooded truths of the Read More…
Jake Anderson
Revealed: The Orwellian Tools Used By Law Enforcement To Spy On Activists Via Social Media
Last week, the California ACLU released an alarming report about California law enforcement agencies’ covert use of social media surveillance software. The report compiles records requested of 63 police departments, sheriffs, and district attorneys across the state. The ACLU found over 40% are using the software without any transparency or public disclosure. They also reported law Read More…
New Apple Tech Could Allow Cops to Remotely Stop You From Filming Them
In light of the most recent police murders caught on smartphones and, in one case, horrifically livestreamed, it seems there is a caveat to our fears of ubiquitous surveillance: it’s not just citizens who are overseen, it’s everyone — including police officers who use excessive force. Recording police is widely viewed as a way to keep Read More…
The iPhone Is Just the Beginning: FBI Already Accessing Your DNA
Private genetic databases like 23andMe and are increasingly used by people for genealogy tracing and medical diagnostic tests. With a million customers each, the two companies receive a great deal of attention from privacy advocates, who for years warned the government would eventually seek access to citizens’ DNA in order to assist with law enforcement. They Read More…
New Billboards Film You, Then Use Your Mobile Phone To Follow You
Recently, Anti-Media covered the revelation that Samsung transmits audio commands recorded by their Smart TVs to a third-party company, which raises all sorts of red flags regarding encryption standards and, more importantly, people’s privacy in their own homes. Last year, a list of surprising objects endowed with surveillance or data extraction capabilities were reported— including the Statue Read More…
The Biggest Factor Affecting the 2016 Election That Nobody is Talking About
The specter of electronic voting fraud has lurked in our national subconscious for over a decade now. If history is any lesson, it will be one of the biggest issues in the upcoming presidential election. While the voting debacle in Florida in the 2000 election garnered the most concern during the Bush years, the bigger theft, Read More…