Anthony Tyler Article Revival Domestic Policy Government Top News

Navy Seal Domestic War Games Training – Another Jade Helm?

On January 11th, was the first to release another piece of information in what seems to be a recurring trend in the ambiguous and under-reported training operations of the American military on domestic soil. Quoted from the original article, “These exclusive Navy documents outline plans for combat training exercises along vast areas of Washington Read More…

Social Change Solutions Top News

Muslim Group Donates 30,000 Bottles of Water To Flint, Michigan

Dismayed by the fate thousands of residents face in Flint, Michigan, many have stepped up to help alleviate the crisis. Not only did Cher donate 180,000 bottles of water to the residents, but another group – one often unfairly generalized as ‘terrorists’ – is donating 30,000 water bottles to the affected citizens, as well. The Washington Times Read More…

Health Article Revival Marijuana Movement Ryan Cristian Science Social Change

Patient Dies in Clinical Trial When Big Pharma Tries to Recreate Cannabis Compounds

Throughout the bodies of every human on the planet is a physiological system called the Endocannabinoid System that plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining human health. The endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS), discovered by scientists unafraid of studying marijuana, is made of endocannabinoids and their receptors which are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, Read More…

opium trade
Article of the week Article Revival Business Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Ryan Cristian Top News

Operation Enduring Freedom: The United States Opium Trade

The occupation of Afghanistan has fallen off the media’s main stage in recent years, yet it remains one of the longest, and debatably one of the most botched military operations in US history. Aside from the continued US presence, there remains an unaccountable and unjustifiable amount military contractors of which the Pentagon cannot explain. Those contractors now vastly Read More…

Constitutional Rights Featured Foreign Policy Government Top News World

U.S. Dropped 23,144 Bombs on Muslim-Majority Countries in 2015

Council of Foreign Relations resident skeptic Micah Zenko recently tallied up how many bombs the United States has dropped on other countries and the results are as depressing as one would think. Zenko figured that since Jan. 1, 2015, the U.S. has dropped around 23,144 bombs on Iraq,Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, all countries that are Read More…

Ancient Knowledge Anthony Tyler Article of the week Article Revival Expand Your Mind... Health Psychonautics Science Spirituality Top News

From Trauma to Transcendence Through Neuroplasticity

“Neurons that fire together, wire together,” Dr. Max Cynader puts it, and it’s difficult to come across a more pertinent adage in today’s era. Discussion of neurons firing and wiring draws implications so vast that it impacts everything from positive and negative emotional spectrums, to the difference between being handicapped, and a genius–or life and Read More…