Top News Foreign Policy Military World

Massive Sustained Attack On Syria: Russian S-400 Defenses Possibly Active In Huge Escalation

Update 2: Russia Threatens “Adequate Response” Against Israel For Downed Plane Update: The Pentagon has formally denied that tonight’s massive sustained attack on Syria had US involvement.  US-funded VOA News reports a Pentagon spokesman issuing the following statement: “I can unequivocally say this is not us,” said Navy Cmdr. Sean Robertson. Regional sources report, citing Syrian officials, that Monday night’s Read More…

Top News Military World

Israeli Warplanes Attack Areas Near Syrian City Of Hama

One day after Israeli officials began talking up a new escalation of their attacks on Syria, Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace, attacking the northern city of Hama and killing at least two people. A flurry of Israeli rockets were fired at sites in al-Masayaf and Wadi al-Uyoun. This included a number of smaller security sites, and a Read More…