This entire election process has been overrun with fraud, corruption, collusion and deceit never before seen, or rather, never before revealed in US history. So much so, that the rest of the world is at full attention to watch as the American experiment crumbles in real time. Every American is enlisted at a young age, and told their Read More…
Tag: polls
New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through “Oversamples”
Earlier this morning we wrote about the obvious sampling bias in the latest ABC / Washington Post poll that showed a 12-point national advantage for Hillary. Like many of the recent polls from Reuters, ABC and The Washington Post, this latest poll included a 9-point sampling bias toward registered democrats. “METHODOLOGY – This ABC News Read More…
Donald Trump’s Numbers May Fail Him
The 2016 Republican National Convention is fast approaching, but according to a recent poll, Donald Trump doesn’t even have the support of half of his party. Yet it remains to be seen what effect this will have on his campaign before the convention in July. According to a recent Fox News poll, over half of the Read More…