Foreign Policy Politics Top News World

Trump Expects Historic Meeting With North Korea’s Kim To Be Delayed, Blames China

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, President Trump said that preparations continue for the summit with Kim Jong-un, but that there is a “very substantial chance” the talks will be postponed from June 12. Trump suggested Chinese President Xi Jinping was to blame. Trump said there was a “little change in attitude from Kim” after his second meeting with Xi. Read More…

north korea
Top News Foreign Policy Government Politics Propaganda Social Engineering World

Here’s How John Bolton Could Sabotage The Korea Peace Talks

Regardless of how much North Korea may capitulate to U.S. demands in negotiations, the threat of war will remain – the calling card of Bolton’s version of “diplomacy.” This article is the final installment of a series exploring the past of soon-to-be National Security Adviser John Bolton and what his appointment will mean for U.S. Read More…

North Korea
World Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News

North Korea ‘Very Willing’ To Hold Talks With US

The latest North Korean delegation to the South has reiterated the nation’s eagerness to pursue diplomacy, saying North Korea is “very willing” to hold direct talks with the United States. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in has been pushing such talks, saying that the US and North Korea need to talk at “an early date” as a Read More…

World Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Social Engineering Top News

Pence To Attend Winter Olympics To Stop North Korea From ‘Hijacking’ The Games

White House officials have announced Tuesday that Vice President Mike Pence will attend the Winter Olympics in South Korea in early February, with an eye seemingly toward ensuring that North Korea’s attendance of the event doesn’t lead to improved relations. Officials say Pence believes North Korea’s Kim Jong Un intends to “hijack” the Winter Olympics with his country’s involvement, and Read More…

North Korea
World Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Social Engineering Top News

US-Led Meeting Focuses On New North Korea Sanctions – Ignoring Peace Talks Underway

Ongoing bilateral talks between North and South Korea have focused heavily on reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula, but across the Pacific in Vancouver, 20 nations met at a US-led discussion on North Korea, and the message was clear, pretend the talks aren’t happening. US officials warned the world not to “be fooled” by the talks Read More…