Having exclaimed that WikiLeaks is “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” laying the blame for every embarrassing leak at Moscow’s footsteps, the FBI and CIA have admitted that they are searching for an “insider” (not a Russian) who exposed thousands of top-secret documents that described CIA tools used to Read More…
Tag: insider
Hacker Group Releases Password To NSA’s “Top Secret Arsenal” In Protest Of Trump Betrayal
Last August, the intel world was abuzz following the news that a previously unknown hacker collective, “The Shadow Brokers” had hacked and released legitimate hacking tools from the NSA’s own special-ops entity, the “Equation Group”, with initial speculation emerging that the Russians may have penetrated the US spy agency as suggested by none other than Edward Read More…
WikiLeaks’ Email Exposes Billionaire Globalist Soros as Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master
Washington, D.C. – Contained within WikiLeaks’ recent release of hacked DNC emails is a message from billionaire globalist financier George Soros, to Hillary Clinton while she was U.S. Secretary of State, that clearly reveals Clinton as a puppet of the billionaire class. Found within the WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton email archive is an email with the subject ‘Unrest Read More…