Education Conspiracy Social Change Social Engineering Top News

The State Weaponizes Education to Create Ignorance

Independent Education: the crisis and the crossroad A hundred fifty years ago, at least some Americans recognized that all serious discourse depended on the use of the faculty called Reason. Formal debate, science, and law all flowed from that source. A common bond existed in some schools of the day. The student was expected to Read More…

Propaganda Conspiracy Government Top News

Trend Analyst Warns: “It’s 100% Propaganda… They Are Banking On An Ignorant Reader”

The mainstream media is setting us up. They’re setting us up with disinformation campaigns designed to obfuscate reality and marginalize America’s silent majority, to cause further conflict, to ignore the warning signs of the next economic collapse, and to lay blame on exactly the wrong people when the insanity begins. Hyped up news with an agenda, constant Read More…

Police State Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Featured Government Social Change Top News

Court Rules Cops Don’t Need to Know the Laws they Enforce

Police are no longer be required to even give the appearance of an understanding of the laws they’re tasked with enforcing, thanks to a recent court decision surpassing even the veritable green light previously granted in Heien v. North Carolina. In the Heien case, the Supreme Court ruled a “police officer’s reasonable mistake of law gives rise to reasonable suspicion that Read More…