World Conspiracy Foreign Policy Psychological Operations Social Engineering Top News

Israel Now Arming 7 Terrorist Groups In Syria, Report

Israel has long been known to provide support to terrorists operating in Syria ever since the crisis began in 2011. From providing medical support to terrorist fighters as well as training and intelligence and even some amount of weaponry and logistics, the Israelis have openly supported the so-called rebels in their efforts to overthrow the secular government Read More…

Top News Foreign Policy Government Politics Social Engineering World

Scream Loudly And Carry A Nuclear Arsenal: The Dangers Of Trump’s “Nuclear Diplomacy”

The Trump administration is being credited with the recent breakthrough in resolving hostilities on the Korean peninsula, as threats of nuclear annihilation are defined as a form of “unorthodox diplomacy.” WASHINGTON  -– To the surprise of many, it was announced earlier this week that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) had agreed to consider ending its nuclear Read More…

World Foreign Policy Human Rights Politics Social Engineering Top News War Crimes

Saudi FM Defends Invasion Of Yemen As A ‘Just War, Supported By International Law’

Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir defended his nation’s 2015 invasion of Yemen, and ongoing attacks in the country as a “just war, supported by international law.” The Saudi FM did not elaborate on how the Saudi war was legal, but rather went on to accuse British opponents of the conflict, Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Social Engineering World

US Imposes More Sanctions On North Korea Despite Diplomatic “Breakthrough”

Editor’s Note: This is all too expected. Just when it seems peace is possible, the US “discovers” some new factor which drives the hostilities forward. Two things to note here. First, there is no reason anyone should trust the word of the US government in regard to discussions of chemical weapons (and all else for Read More…

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US Meddling In Foreign Elections: A CIA Tradition Since 1948

In a shocking display of relative independence from the post-Operation Mockingbird control of the media by the Central Intelligence Agency, a recent article in The New York Times broke with current conventional pack journalism and covered the long history of CIA meddling in foreign elections. A February 17, 2018, article, titled, “Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Read More…

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UN Feigns Outrage Over Ghouta While Terrorist Rockets Rain Down On Damascus

Eva Bartlett breaks down the dizzying array of information surrounding the mounting humanitarian crisis in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta. With accusations abound, parsing the reality on the ground is becoming more challenging by the day. GHOUTA, SYRIA — On February 20, from Amman, Jordan, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Geert Cappelaere, issued a Read More…