More than 100 news organizations from around the world recently released a detailed investigation into the financial corruption enabled by international banks – do Americans even care? Last weekend, BuzzFeed News, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, and more than 100 international news organizations released the FinCEN Files investigation detailing how a plethora of international banks Read More…
Tag: Drug Trafficking
Congress Demands DOJ Turn Over Evidence Related To Obama-Hezbollah Drug Trafficking
Congress has demanded that the Department of Justice turn over all documents related to a disturbing report from POLITICO that the Obama administration quashed a massive DEA investigation into a $200 million per month drug trafficking and money laundering scheme on U.S. soil which was directly funding Hezbollah’s various terror campaigns around the world. “Add Read More…
New Documentary Exposes CIA Drug Trafficking Conspiracy In Explosive History Channel Series
Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the War on Drugs into full force in 1973. He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on. At a cost of over $1 trillion — ruining Read More…
DEA Cop Who Caged People for Drugs, Busted with Massive Amount of Cocaine in DEA Conspiracy
Covington, LA — A massive police and DEA conspiracy is currently being blown open after Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputy Johnny Domingue took a plea deal and is rolling over on his co-conspirators. According to the Advocate, in offering his plea, Domingue admitted his role in a conspiracy to use his position as a Sheriff’s Office narcotics agent Read More…
Facebook VP Arrested After Refusal to Share Information Related to Drug Trafficking
On March 1st, Facebook Vice President Diego Jorge Dzodan was arrested in São Paulo, Brazil. The controversy is centered around Facebook’s WhatsApp messaging software, and seems to be a basic premise that has been gaining some inertia in Brazil for quite some time. At the end of last year, a Brazilian judge actually ruled that WhatsApp be Read More…