In a revealing statement that flew largely under the radar earlier this month, the mainstream media admitted it would never recover from its irresponsible and negligent coverage of the 2016 presidential election. A recent column published in the New York Post referred to the media’s reporting as “the complete collapse of American journalism as we Read More…
Tag: Donald Trump
Trump Took $7.7 Million From His Supporters’ Donations and Gave It to His Companies & Children
According to a new filing with the Federal Elections Commission, Donald Trump’s kids have been profiting handily from his campaign — to date, his children and companies have been paid $7.7 million in campaign contributions — and that figure is on the rise. Roughly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending in May, $1.1 million, went directly to his children Read More…
Donald Trump the Crisis Actor: A Conspiracy to End All Conspiracy Theories
(Op-Ed) With each passing day the 2016 presidential campaign looks more and more like an angry subreddit moderated by a genetically engineered “double-y chromosome” man-child constructed from the DNA of David Icke and Alex Jones. Although it’s easy to dismiss this long, strange electoral trip as a passing political malady rising from America’s fever swamps, there are plenty of Read More…
Is Trump Trying to Lose the Election to Hillary Clinton on Purpose?
“There is an adage in politics: Don’t get in the way of a train wreck,” said Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, a top campaign aide to presidential candidates Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004. And, as Reuters reports, Clinton’s advisers say they see little benefit in her going toe-to-toe with Trump over every personal Read More…
The Reality Of American Politics: The Criminal vs. The Buffoon
Those who chose to get their information from the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media, will have an entirely different view of the political climate in this country; that is simply what these media outlets have been instructed to do: portray a perfectly operating, fair and balanced democratic election. Yet despite the media’s ongoing diatribes about how glorious it Read More…
Why The Recently Filed Child Rape Case Against Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be Ignored
Did you know that child abuse, rape, and pedophilia are some of the biggest problems that plague the financial elite? There are some very powerful people engaged in what seems to be ritualistic child abuse — whether it be against people in Hollywood, the military, intelligence agencies, or politics, year after year countless lawsuits are filed. Read More…