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Spiro Skouras Interview – Alex Jones Trial, The Coming “Red Wave” & The March To Technocracy

Joining me today on Moving Target is Spiro Skouras, here to discuss the shifting political spectrum and what is being discussed as the coming “red wave”, as well as the recent trial of Alex Jones and how that may affect anyone in the independent media. We also get into some current events and Spiro’s perspective on the changing narrative around COVID-19. 


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

2 Replies to “Spiro Skouras Interview – Alex Jones Trial, The Coming “Red Wave” & The March To Technocracy

  1. I like listen to your shows. This interview though you could have stepped back and let Spiros finish his points. You cut him off so much, sometimes it became a monologue.
    A lot would have been covered if you let him put forth his point of view. Great points out forward though. Thanks

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