A camera installed inside the cockpit of a Russian fighter jet carrying out combat missions in Syria recorded the moment when a suspected U.S. Reaper Drone was seen flying close to the jet. “It is dangerous … if two sets of aircraft come into the same piece of airspace without very clear, laid-out protocols for Read More…
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The Drug War’s Secret Profit
“The war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world… – The Global Commission on Drug Policy Americans find themselves in a time of unlimited information. A time of vast intercommunication wherein people are beginning to see the lies they have been fed since their eyes opened to the Read More…
Is The U.S. Dollar Going To Collapse?
If one were to turn on the television right now, the mainstream media would be painting the picture of an economy that is in a recovery and a U.S. dollar that is strong as ever. Yet there is a strong contingency of people on the Internet declaring the U.S. dollar is heading for a major collapse Read More…
Snowden: Predicting the Pariah’s Endgame
If Americans weren’t already aware that they were living in a soft-core police state without consent, between whistleblowers Thomas Drake, William Binney, and the giant himself, Ed Snowden, it’s a wonder the NSA hasn’t been shut down yet. Never before has it been more evident that the events of 9/11 were used as an excuse to Read More…
Chicago Police Officer Buys Meal for Homeless Man
The police have recently been getting a lot of bad coverage in the media – and in many cases, for good reason. There is no doubt that police brutality is a real concern in this country, and in many cases that brutality is aimed at African-Americans and other minorities. Chicago, where this story takes place, Read More…
Ever Increasing Global Wealth Gap
What the hell is going on in the world? There is really not much else to say after reading the recent Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, which states that the top 1% of the world’s population owns half of all global wealth. The “one percent” own half, while the bottom 50% of the world’s population Read More…