Quantum physicist Ruggero Maria Santilli recently published a paper in American Journal of Modern Physics entitled, “Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE).“ (Published Research: http://www.thunder-energies.com/docs/ITE-paper-12-15-15.pdf ) Through a line of research heavily documented by Santilli and Thunder Energies Corporation, the physicist and his company have developed what is Read More…
Navy Sonar Tests Killing Tens of Thousands of Marine Life
There has been an unprecedented amount of marine-life washing up on shores by the thousands either dead or dying. When still alive, they appeared in most cases to be clearly disoriented. Ones that were helped back to the water would only find themselves right back on the beach, and in some cases internal and external Read More…
“UFO Conspiracy” Created by the Government?
“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” – President Ronald Read More…
Police To Use Drones To Control Protestors- A Dangerous Precedent?
The UK police force has received the green light to begin the implementation of drones into its priority operations such as a home siege, burglary, and even peaceful protests. This all according to new national guidelines regulating the use of drones by police. At least a quarter of all police departments in England and Wales plan on deploying Read More…
Geoengineering in Alaska
Alaska has received some strange weather lately. It’s been weird for the last couple decades or so, but there seems to have been some sort of correlative spike in these enigmatic weather patterns to two possible scenarios that have unfolded within the last couple decades in Alaska: global climate change or the insidious grand-daddy of Read More…
CISA: The Patriot Act 2.0 Signed Into Law
On December 18th, 2015 Congress passed a $1.15 trillion omnibus spending package as a way of continuing to fund the federal government and avoiding a government shutdown. Snuck into the bill was a highly controversial bill called CISA, a cyber security bill that was defeated in the past due to civil rights and privacy concerns. Read More…