Who am I as a subjective entity, and what is this objective reality in which I operate within? Is there a purpose to it all? People have longed and desired for millennia the answers to these most fundamental of questions about human existence. Not only do people want concrete answers to their existential questions, but Read More…
Article Revival
This section is a simple way for our readers to have easy access to a rotation of some of The Last American Vagabond’s more prominent articles from the past.
Israel Again Tests Chemical Weapons On Gaza Protesters
The Israeli Occupation is once again testing a strange new and unknown weapon on civilians protesting the illegal siege on Gaza, at the separation barrier fence last Friday. Below is video footage of this new weapon technology. Have you seen anything like this before? Also on Friday, a 14-year-old child inhaled an unknown neurotoxin that Read More…
The Real Revolution Has Nothing To Do With Donald Trump
It’s been a weird last couple of days. I wrote an article about WikiLeaks’ dismissal of “QAnon,” the anonymous 8chan poster that hundreds of thousands of conspiracy newbies believe is sharing secret, coded information about Donald Trump’s heroic war against the US deep state. Ever since I hit publish I’ve been getting a bunch of angry Q Read More…
The Real Story Behind Marijuana Opposition
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein One would be hard pressed to find a person not jaded by the American political system. Lies and deception accepted as “part of the process” as if to imply that it is outside the politician’s control, and Read More…
US Congress Set To Fund New Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead
There had been a long fight with fiery speeches, long-winded discussions presenting opposing views, publications and statements in support of “resolute steps” on the one hand as well as the calls for carefully weighing pros and cons on the other. Finally, the concept of “racing headlong into the unknown” has prevailed. On May 23, the US House Read More…
Propaganda Killing Kills Propaganda – First The Skripals, Now Arkady Babchenko Come Back From The Dead
An “enemy of Putin” is attacked. Authorities immediately raise accusations against Russia and the Kremlin. Public condemnation follows. There are calls to sanction Russia. But the information is murky. The details don’t make sense. Critical questions follow. After the while the “dead” come back from death. The above was the script followed in the Skripal Read More…