Darius Shahtahmasebi is a New Zealand-based legal and political analyst, currently specializing in immigration, refugee and humanitarian law. Contact Darius: [email protected]. Support Darius' work on Patreon: patreon.com/thetvsleaking
Conspiracy Article Revival Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Politics Psychological Operations Top News World

Intelligence Report Reveals US Urged Saddam Hussein to Attack Syria

Despite what even some alternative media commentators might argue, the Syrian war is about oil, gas, and money. A secret 1983 intelligence report has confirmed that America’s distaste for the Assad family in Syria has always revolved around pipeline disputes — and this alone has given the U.S. cause to go to war with Syria. Most Read More…

Foreign Policy Government Politics Technology Top News World

Upholding Tradition? Suspected Drone Strikes Continue As Trump Takes Office

Just hours into Trump’s presidency, suspected U.S. drone strikes killed three alleged al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen’s southwestern Bayda province. According to anonymous security and tribal officials, two strikes killed an area field commander by the name of Abu Anis al-Abi, along with two others. Considering the two others are identified merely as “alleged al-Qaeda operatives,” it seems Read More…

Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News World

Obama Ended His Presidency With A Bang – at Least in Libya

Barack Obama has ended his presidential career doing what he does best: dropping bombs. This time, Obama decided to target an ISIS camp in Libya, with initial estimates suggesting over 80 militants (or 80 people, depending on the source) were killed. Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told reporters that the fighters training in the camp, located just outside Read More…

World Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News

US Military and Media Ignore New ISIS Push into Syria, 250K Civilians Threatened

You wouldn’t know it from following most of the corporate media online or on your television set, but ISIS is currently making significant headway in Syria. According to the Guardian, ISIS fighters have broken through government defensive lines in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, successfully surrounding a military airport and cutting off food supplies for Read More…

Revolution Activism Article Revival Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Politics Social Change Solutions Top News

Congresswoman Says US Is Arming ISIS, Introduces Bill to Stop It

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has broken free of the corporate media’s narrative by accusing the United States of funding and arming terror groups al-Qaeda and ISIS. “If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail,” Gabbard tweeted on Saturday. If you or I gave money, Read More…

fake news
Censorship Conspiracy Constitutional Rights cyberwarfare Domestic Policy Government Police State Propaganda Psychological Operations Revolution Top News

When Fake News Gets People Killed, It Must Be Stopped

Most of the time, the president says things we more or less agree with. When he says things along the lines of attacks on civilians must be stopped, of course, we all approve. How can we not? The only problem is that usually, he is only applying those standards to uncooperative governments and never to Read More…