Top News Conspiracy Domestic Policy Government Politics WikiLeaks

The DNC Fraud Lawsuit Has Been Dismissed. Dismiss The Democratic Party.

The oldest political party in the world has died. It doesn’t know it yet, it isn’t acting like it yet, but it is dead. By successfully getting the DNC fraud lawsuit dismissed by Judge William J. Zloch today, the Democratic party has succeeded in killing any argument for its continued existence as a legitimate political party. The Read More…

Foreign Policy Human Rights Military Top News War Crimes World

US, Somali Troops Execute 10 Civilians, Including Children, In Village Raid

US and Somali troops attacked the farming village of Barire early Friday morning, capturing a group of ten civilians and summarily executing them one at a time. Locals brought the bodies, including three children, to the capital of Mogadishu to protest the incident. Deputy Governor of Lower Shabelle Ali Nur Mohammed blamed the US forces, saying that Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Government Politics

Angry Marine Who Discovered Awan’s “Smashed Hard Drives” Breaks Silence, Unloads On Wasserman Schultz

Andre Taggart, the U.S. Marine who alerted the FBI when he moved into a house he rented from Imran Awan only to find a garage full of “smashed hard drives”, has decided to reveal his identity in a stinging, at least for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, new interview with the Daily Caller. Taggart, a black U.S. Marine Read More…

Social Engineering Conspiracy Politics Top News

5 Massive Revelations Americans Missed While Obsessing Over Mayweather-McGregor Fight

While the media obsesses over the Mayweather–McGregor fight, there are a few major stories from the last week that will actually have an impact on your life. (TFTP) Floyd Mayweather is taking on Conor McGregor on Saturday night in an epic boxing match that arguably won’t have any profound effect on your life—unless you’re betting Read More…

The Last American Vagabond Radio Show Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Government Podcast Police State Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Ryan Cristian Social Engineering Top News

Recognizing Controlled Opposition With Titus Frost: Rebel Media, David Seaman, Alex Jones And More

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSSTrust. A word that, in modern American media, has all but lost it’s meaning. Which outlet do you trust, what organization do you blindly follow? Today, the answer should be no one. Now, that is not to imply that we should Read More…

Conspiracy Business Expand Your Mind... Foreign Policy Government History Military Politics Social Change Top News War Crimes World

Brave Congressman Explains How US Keeps Afghan Heroin Trade Alive At Your Expense

Congressman Thomas Massie blows the lid off the US subsidized opium trade and taxpayer funds flowing into the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan. This week, President Donald Trump, just like his predecessor Obama, promised to continue the utterly corrupt failure of a brutal occupation that is Afghanistan—despite running on a campaign to end it. Read More…