Never Forget
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Never Forget: What The Deep State Wants You To Remember About 9/11

“Never forget.”

This is the mantra. The mantra that is repeated in the wake of every major false flag, every psychologically traumatizing incident that the deep state wishes to become a rallying cry for their next agenda item.

And so it is completely unsurprising that this mantra has been invoked to remind the public of that foundational event of the age of terror, 9/11.

“Never forget,” we are told by the mockingbirds of the establishment press every year come September. And when I say “every year” I mean every / single / year / without / fail. (Well, sometimes it’s a fail, but you get what I mean).

But never forget what? That is the question.

Never forget that false flag terrorism has been used time and time again throughout history to whip up war hysteria among the public? Never forget that the Afghan war and the war of terror in general was based on the lie of 9/11? Never forget that the official government conspiracy theory of 9/11, the 9/11 Commission Report, is a tissue of lies and omissions based on torture testimony that would be inadmissible in any court and is self-contradictory to boot? Never forget that official government cover-ups into the events have relied on outright lies, confiscation and memory holing of key evidence that proves that 9/11 was not the work of the magical cave-dwelling dialysis patient and his band of box-cutter-wielding henchmen?


No, of course not. “Never forget” the officially sanctioned, government-approved lessons of 9/11, silly! That’s what “never forget” means.

Never forget that it was those scary dirty bearded Muslim boogeymen who did 9/11, and it was definitely the Muslims who were cheering the destruction of the Towers, not the Israeli Mossad agents who were there to “document the event.”

Never forget that it was those damn dirty Afghans who were just begging to be smart bombed on 9/11, despite the fact that 92% had never even heard of 9/11 in a 2010 poll. (They must have forgotten about it in the meantime.)

Never forget that the fact that every single major terror bust since 9/11 has turned out to be a plot instigated, planned, funded and “busted” by the FBI just means that the FBI’s loyal agents are really really really good at their jobs!

Never forget that the American public was given not one, not two, not three, but four separate, conflicting stories about the lack of air defense on the morning of 9/11, and that 9/11 Commissioners wanted to bring criminal charges against Pentagon officials for their deliberate lies . . . uhhhh, hold on. Actually, maybe it’s better if you forget that one.

Never forget that the laws of physics just don’t apply at certain times and places. (The northeastern United States on 9/11 was one of those times and places.)


Never forget that the mistranslated videotape obtained under dubious circumstances in late 2001 proved Osama Bin Laden’s culpability for 9/11 once and for all . . . even if the dastardly arch-terrorist mastermind repeatedly denied any involvement in the most spectacular terrorist attack in history up to that point.

Never forget that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the 9/11 mastermind “from A to Z.” Please do forget that everything obtained from him was torture testimony inadmissable in any court of law and that he also falsely confessed to crimes he did not (and could not have) committed.

Never forget that Wirt Walker III, a Bush family relative and a business partner of Marvin Bush, was COMPLETELY CLEARED of any 9/11 insider trading because, after all, the FBI’s investigation of him “revealed no ties to terrorism or other negative information.”

Never forget that Iran was probably behind 9/11, too. Somehow. The details are unimportant, just trust us.

Never forget that Christine Todd-Whitman is now a hero of the resistance so we should never acknowledge that she is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of 9/11 first responders and many thousands who are still dying from the toxic dust at Ground Zero.

Never forget that two airplanes can completely pulverize three of the largest skyscrapers in the world, bringing them directly down into the path of most resistance at freefall acceleration, and if you question this fact you’re a lizard-fearing loony who deserves nothing but scorn.

Never forget that if NIST ever revealed to the public exactly how they got their computer models to replicate the miraculous self-immolation of WTC7 it would “jeopardize public safety,” so they classified that data for your own good!


Never forget that Rumsfeld’s “war on bureaucracy”—declared on 9/10 in response to the uncomfortable issue of the Pentagon’s missing trillions—must have been successful, because you never heard about it again!

Never forget that the war of terror will never ever be over until every last opponent of the New World Order is eliminated from the planet. But feel free to forget the actual legal “justification” for that war.

Never forget that if you have any questions about the official government-approved story of 9/11 (you know, like those vile victims’ family membersfirst respondersmilitary officers, American congressmen and womenintelligence agents, foreign dignitaries9/11 commissioners and other conspiracy nutjobs) then you are unpatriotic slime . . . and potentially a terrorist just asking to be locked up for life.

So, there you have it. The things you’re actually not supposed to forget about 9/11. Now just sit back, wave your Chinese-made plastic American flag and join us in this year’s celebration memorial at Ground Zero, then go back to your daily life. Like a good citizen.

Did I forget any “never forget”s? Don’t forget to let me know in the comment section!


James Corbett
James Corbett started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. It is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. James produces video reports for GRTV, and He is also an editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the weekly e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman.

One Reply to “Never Forget: What The Deep State Wants You To Remember About 9/11

  1. Never forget the Freudian slips of Rumsfeld, Bush, and other criminal cohorts

    Never forget that not one page of the 9-11 Commission Report was devoted to WTC-7

    Never forget that Bush saw the first plane hit even though that’s impossible

    Never forget Operation Northwoods

    Never forget the revelations of this book – “Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy, Saudi Arabia and the Failed Search for bin Laden”

    Never forget Barry Jennings

    Never forget that the BBC said WTC-7 collapsed BEFORE it had collapsed

    Never forget this statement in a policy paper produced by the Project for a New American Century BEFORE 9-11: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

    Never forget that Paul O’Neill stated that the Bush Administration planned to invade Iraq BEFORE 9-11

    Never forget that this Alice in Wonderland fairy tale of 9-11 has led to millions of deaths and the destruction of our civil liberties

    Never forget that a 2016 study from Chapman University in California, found more than half of Americans believe the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks

    Never forget that Noam Chomsky said in regard to 9-11 being an inside job “And even if it were true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares?”

    Never forget that passports are indestructible

    Never forget…

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