Continuing to brag that the US is the “global provider of choice” for arms, Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Director Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper has issued a statement reporting that the US sold in the realm of $42 billion in weapons to the rest of the world in 2017. That’s a $10 billion increase in Read More…
Tag: weapons
Media Silent As Syrian Forces Finally Defeat ISIS, Finding Cache Of American Made Weapons
As Syrian Forces continue to defeat ISIS strongholds, they are finding an alarming number of drones, machine guns and Humvees left behind by the militants. (TFTP) When the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria began to dominate headlines in 2014, it was made out to be the most horrifying, ruthless terrorist group in existence—now any Read More…
The Absurdity Of Paddock Bringing “Over Ten” Suitcases Of Guns And Ammo Through Hyper Security
The Las Vegas shooter brought more than 10 suitcases into the hotel? No problem. Even the Washington Post (10/2) expresses puzzlement: “Among the questions they [investigators] have: “…how he [Stephen Paddock] was able to bring it [a weapon] and many other weapons into a Vegas hotel suite undetected.” “[Las Vegas Sheriff] Lombardo said hotel staff had Read More…
Pentagon Gives Fake Police Agency $1.2 Million In Military Equipment For Free
Editor’s Note: Bottom line – The more munitions the military can go through, then larger their budget will be the following year; they are incentivized to be as wasteful and careless as possible, and the recent and dramatic uptick in civilian casualties make that shockingly apparent. Those who take issue with the Pentagon’s 1033 program — the avenue through which excess Read More…
YouTube Censors Video Showing US Airdropping Weapons Into ISIS’ Hands
Another YouTube video has been censored on the grounds that it violated the platform’s Community Guidelines—but the removal of this video does not protect viewers from nudity or crude language. Instead, it ‘protects’ viewers from the reality of United States foreign policy. Alternative geopolitical analyst Mimi Al Laham, who goes by the name “Partisan Girl,” Read More…
US Army Says It Doesn’t Know What It Did with $1 Billion in Weapons
Iraq — According to a government audit from 2016, through shoddy record-keeping, the United States Army has lost track of $1 billion worth of military material sent to Iraq. The equipment, intended to aid Iraqi forces, is part of the Iraq Train and Equip Fund, a program born out of the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act Read More…