The victim of the first ISIS-claimed terrorist attack on U.S. soil is now suing the FBI for encouraging, directing and aiding the suspects. (TFTP) While questions remain as to whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation had prior knowledge of the Las Vegas shooting, the victim of another terrorist attack on United States soil is speaking Read More…
Tag: Orlando
Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports And IDs Mysteriously Discovered In The Wake Of Terror Attacks
This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror suspects routinely discovered (often in the rubble) in the wake of a terrorist attack. In most cases the alleged suspect was known to the authorities. Is there a pattern? The ID papers of the suspect are often left behind, discovered by police in Read More…
Trump’s FBI Continues the Phony War of Terror
The FBI has “saved the day” yet again, by setting up, equipping and busting another troubled malcontent without the means or opportunity to do anything himself. Murtaza Hussain joins us today to discuss his recent article, “Trump’s First Terror Arrest: A Broke Stoner the FBI Threatened at Knifepoint.”
Obama’s Civilian Drone Death Count up to 500% Higher Than US Mass Shootings
Obama’s drones have ‘officially’ killed more innocent people than mass shooters — despite paranoia surrounding gun control and propaganda about unhinged loose cannons shooting civilians en masse. According to President Obama’s administration — in a years-in-the-making report — drones used in military combat overseas killed between 64 and 116 civilians between 2009 and the close Read More…
The West Remains Silent as NATO Member Supports Islamist Militants in Syria
Following the recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida — and other recent attacks seen around the world, including Europe — one might naively assume eliminating support for Islamist militants in the Middle East would be at the top of the list of issues that need to be addressed. According to a recent report by RT’s Read More…
Post-Orlando Senate Rejects Gun Control, Calls for More Spying Instead
Senate invokes Orlando shooting to justify expanding FBI’s warrantless surveillance powers, just after rejecting four gun control measures. The U.S. Senate is poised to vote on a bill that would expand the FBI’s secret surveillance powers, including warrantless collection of browsing history, Reuters reports. Lawmakers will vote on the amendment, sponsored by Sens. John McCain Read More…