History is an extremely important subject. Without understanding the past, one cannot fully understand the present or identify where the future might be going. Now I for one am all about living in the present moment, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that history is there to teach us in the hopes that Read More…
Tag: constitution
The Marijuana Movement
The tide has shifted. The American people are bravely and collectively venturing into uncertain waters. An unprecedented twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have passed laws in direct contradiction with Federal decree in regards to cannabis. This movement is not happening for personal gain or power, but for the good of the people. Americans Read More…
Who Will Be First?
This country sits on the edge of its seat waiting to see who makes the next move. There are medical professionals proving that the use of cannabis is not only beneficial but negligent not to utilize. Close to half the United States are passing medical use laws in direct contradiction with an almost naïve assertion of the government Read More…