Julian Assange Ends The Suspense: “The Source Of Hacked Emails Is Not Russia”

With countless hours of media, and Clinton campaign, speculation and accusations that the source of hacked Wikileaks Democratic emails including the Podesta files, is none other than Russian president Vladimir Putin, either directly or indirectly, Julian Assange has decided to close the book on that particular loose end, and as RT reports, in a John Read More…

Hillary Clinton Linked to Bogus Dating Site Associated with Julian Assange Pedophile Smear

On October 7th, 2016, WikiLeaks began publishing thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta’s private email archives. Since that day, thousands more emails have been released which have subsequently lead to a target being painted on the back of Julian Assange — a target state actors have had no problem firing at. This week Ecuador admitted to Read More…

Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Washington, D.C.- In a revelation that could rock the upcoming U.S. presidential race, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly floated the idea of using a drone strike to kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange while Secretary of State. “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to anonymous state department sources. While the Clinton camp will undoubtedly Read More…

Julian Assange: This Is The REAL Reason Bernie Sanders Dropped Out Of The Race

The founder of WikiLeaks says he has proof that Bernie Sanders was threatened by the Clinton campaign. It’s no secret that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has great disdain for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Shortly before the Democratic National Convention, the activist released incriminating email showing that the DNC had worked against Vermont Senator Bernie Read More…

Brexit to Set Julian Assange Free — WikiLeaks Says EU Arrest Warrant Will Be “Scrapped”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hopes that his self-imposed imprisonment, under threat of arrest and extradition, could finally be at an end in the aftermath of the Brexit vote. Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since seeking asylum there in June 2012 after Swedish authorities sought his extradition from the U.K over an Read More…

Sweden vs. Julian Assange: Former Swedish Intel Agent Turned Top Journalist Linked to Case

With the recent UN panel deeming Julian Assange’s detainment “arbitrary,” Assange has still been unable to find his way to freedom so far, but this doesn’t mean that progress isn’t being made. Now, more than ever, alternative media has made efforts to dive deeper still into the case of Sweden vs. Assange; not surprisingly, the Read More…