People are finally waking up to the fact that Columbus was a mass murdering tyrant but only after centuries of celebrating him as a hero. (TFTP) Over the last few years, and rightfully so, cities across the country have been ditching the celebration of Columbus Day. After beating it into children for over a century Read More…
Matt Agorist
Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses
A scathing report was published in Science Magazine this week that accuses DARPA of developing a bioweapon that uses swarms of modified insects to deliver viruses. (TFTP) In a scathing report issued this week, researchers with the Science Policy Forum have accused the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of creating a technology—ostensibly used Read More…
‘No Party Is Welcome:’ Town Bans All Politicians After Being Lied To Repeatedly
A town who has become tired of voting for different parties only to receive the same corruption has officially kicked out politicians in exchange for self-governance. (TFTP) After being lied to over and over again and voting party after party into government, only to see the same corruption spread, a town in Bosnia just banned Read More…
Politicians Ignoring How Gov’t Disgraced Pat Tillman’s Death As They Call For Him To Replace Kaepernick
Hypocritically choosing to ignore the injustice and the lies told by the government after the death of Pat Tillman, many have taken to social media using his name for their cause. (TFTP) On Monday, Nike made headlines and created a massive controversy when it announced Colin Kaepernick is one of the new faces in its Read More…
65 Years Ago Today, The CIA Conspired With The UK To Overthrow Iran On Behalf Of Big Oil
Today is the anniversary of the CIA working with the UK in a conspiracy to over throw the democratically elected leader of Iran to give their oil to BP. (TFTP) Today marks the 65th anniversary of the West carrying out a coup in Iran that destabilized the county by overthrowing the country’s democratically elected leader, Mohammad Read More…
Horrifying UN Report Details Widespread Child Rape By High-Level UN Employees
A deeply disturbing report by the United Nations details rampant sexual exploitation of children by UN officials across the globe. (TFTP) A deeply disturbing report has finally been released by the United Nations detailing the rampant sexual exploitation of children by UN employees that is widespread, throughout multiple countries. While pieces of the report were Read More…