A scientific advisory board has called on the European Union to halt solar geoengineering technologies while calling for a “global governance system” to tackle the issue. A group of scientists and policymakers have recommended the European Union support a Europe-wide moratorium on using a controversial geoengineering technique known as solar geoengineering. The scientists warn that Read More…
Tag: stratospheric aerosol injection
US and European Commission Call for “International Framework” to Advance Geoengineering Research
The pronouncements delivered last week by the US government and the European Union represent one more step towards a singular, centralized governing body managing individual nations. Late on Friday, the White House released a report outlining the Biden Administration’s openness to studying geoengineering as part of an effort to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Read More…
Local Meteorologists Acknowledge Atmospheric Spraying of Aluminum by Military Aircraft
Some things are hidden in plain sight, and no matter how many warnings there are, some people just refuse to look at that which contradicts their beliefs about the world. Take, for example, geoengineering, which, among other things, involves the atmospheric spraying of aluminum, strontium, barium, plastics and other materials into the sky as a Read More…
Chemtrails Finally Admitted: ‘We’re Living In A Test Already’
In this video, Melissa Dykes breaks down how it is now admitted that “climate scientists” are experimenting with geoengineering techniques like “stratospheric aerosol injection,” more commonly referred to as chemtrails by conspiracy theorists who are once again proven right. Melissa explains that it is perfectly legal for the government to treat the population like lab Read More…