Casting a spotlight on a highly controversial issue, a Michigan mother was jailed Wednesday for refusing to have her nine-year-old son vaccinated, the Associated Press reports. The case stems from a legal agreement the woman, Rebecca Bredow, had with her ex-husband to space out vaccinations for their son. When the shots began to get grouped together, the mother says, she Read More…
Tag: autism
A Government Coverup Of A Mercury/Autism Scandal Has Now Been Exposed
World Mercury Project note: With the ongoing mainstream media blackout on questions regarding vaccine safety, we want to remind our followers of the publication–and subsequent retraction–of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s 2005 article “Deadly Immunity” in Salon. The history of repression of crucial vaccine safety data runs deep. The article laid out the scientific link between thimerosal and Read More…
Study Shows How Glyphosate & Aluminum Can Operate Synergistically To Destroy The Human Brain
“What basically seems to have happened — aluminium was not bioavailable, traditionally, in the world’s biota until the Industrial Revolution, and so, it just had no place in any biochemical reaction that was normal. And where it does occur, now, because we are increasingly surrounded by it, we live in what’s called the Age of Aluminium. . Read More…
RFK Jr. Issues Report Showing Strong Evidence of Ongoing Corruption & Scientific Fraud At The CDC
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, September 18, 2017 Contact: Lyn Redwood, 202-810-1826, Email Kennedy hopes new evidence and a fresh look at criminal misconduct will result in law enforcement action, rigorous and transparent vaccine safety science, and safer vaccines. Washington, DC – In a new report released yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his team outlined various criminal acts Read More…
Mercury and Lead: The Fallacy of “Safe” Levels
In our toxin-filled world, we often look to government agencies to tell us what levels of exposure we should consider safe or unsafe. If our exposure does not exceed an agency-determined threshold, we assume there is little cause for concern. How do regulatory agencies determine these thresholds? There is considerable evidence to suggest that safety Read More…
Medical Cannabis For Autism
Medical Cannabis is the twenty-first century’s bad boy wonder drug. This herbal medicine has a long and unconstitutional history of illicit drug use, and is only legal for medical prescription and consumption by some states in the union. However, cannabis’s ability to fight off the symptoms and side effects of a plethora of conditions and Read More…