The FDA has detected significant levels of glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, in a wide variety of foods — but it’s unlikely the agency will release these findings to the public. According to internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the Guardian and the advocacy organization U.S. Right to Know, in January of last year, FDA chemist Read More…
Tag: Roundup
EPA Contradicts Its Own Research, Claims Roundup Poses No Risk To Humans
On Monday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a new report declaring that the weed killer glyphosate does not pose any meaningful risk to humans, but the report is not likely to end the debate over the safety of the world’s most widely used pesticide. The new report from the EPA is the latest in a Read More…
Study Shows How Glyphosate & Aluminum Can Operate Synergistically To Destroy The Human Brain
“What basically seems to have happened — aluminium was not bioavailable, traditionally, in the world’s biota until the Industrial Revolution, and so, it just had no place in any biochemical reaction that was normal. And where it does occur, now, because we are increasingly surrounded by it, we live in what’s called the Age of Aluminium. . Read More…
Séralini’s Revenge: Monsanto Rocked By New Court Documents
The case against Monsanto is the gift that keeps on giving. Previously in these pages I discussed how the trial of Monsanto currently taking place in the California Northern District Court—technically known as “Multidistrict Litigation,” with the formal title of “In re: Roundup Products Liability Litigation (MDL No. 2741)“—is airing some of the agrichemical behemoth’s Read More…
GMO’s Just Got A Lot More Frightening With Approval Of New Monsanto Product
Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they’ll be genetically engineered to be in your food, thanks to Monsanto’s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops Read More…
Study Finds Long Exposure To Tiny Amounts Of Monsanto’s Roundup Damages The Liver & Kidneys
Glyphosate continues to be the most used herbicide in the world, despite the fact that the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, IARC, labelled it a probable human carcinogen in 2015. And evidence suggests GBH, like Roundup, poses particular health risks to the liver and kidneys in large doses. Small doses, however, hadn’t been tested, until a 2015 study came along. The Read More…