In my last article ‘Woke-ism And The Self-Induced Suicide Of America‘, I introduced a major psycho spiritual rot plaguing both conservative and liberal minded Americans who have either been led to believe that the USA is 1) wholly evil and deserving of self-annihilation or 2) fully exceptional devoid of any hypocritical blemishes.
While the leftist woke victims of this sick program tend to self-identify as some variant of socio-cultural Marxist antagonistic to “free market capitalists”, the opposing conservative camp tends to identify as British-inspired free marketeers devoted to the British theories of Adam Smith or Smith’s Austrian followers that emerged as court philosophers of the Hapsburg Empire around Carl Menger and Ludwig von Mises. This story was unpacked in some detail in this authors’ essay The Keynes Vs Von Hayek Debate: A False Dualism With Malthusian Characteristics.
The greatest victim in this dichotomy (as in all false dichotomies) is the truth, and the actual heritage of the USA as a great nation contaminated by an unresolved evil since 1776 is completely lost, blinding modern victims of this two-fold lie to the historical forces shaping their self-induced collapse and even new civil war dynamics currently threatening to rip the republic to pieces as nearly happened between 1861-1865. Ignoring the true history of the USA will blind us to the British-Venetian roots of America’s “deep state” that set up a fifth column operation called ‘Wall Street’ in the late 18th century, and oversaw the elimination of all eight of America’s presidents who died while in office.
It is thus worth taking the time at this moment of crisis to review the true reasons for America’s last British intelligence managed Civil War 160 years ago, how Lincoln revived a system of constitutional banking to preserve the nation, how Russia saved the beleaguered nation in 1863, and how the Anglo-American oligarchy killed Lincoln, and undid his vision for a world liberated from empire after his murder.
What in Hell was Lincoln Actually Dealing With?
Beyond the dangers of secession, Lincoln had to contend with the Wall Street financiers and anglophile families who worked tirelessly to sabotage the president’s ability to acquire the funds necessary to execute the war.
To make matters worse, the state of economic affairs was impossibly unmanageable with over 7000 recognized bank notes in the USA and over 1496 banks each issuing multiple notes. Under this highly de-regulated system, made possible by the 1836 killing of the national bank years earlier under Andrew Jackson and the passage of the 1846 Independent Treasury Act which prevented the government from influencing economic affairs, every private bank could issue currencies with no federal authority. With such a breakdown of finances, no national projects were possible, international investments were scarce and free market money worshipping ran rampant.
Manufacturing collapsed, speculation took over and the slavocracy grew in influence between the 1837’s bank panic and 1860. Despite the import of new slaves from Africa having been made illegal, the population of black slaves grew from two million in 1837 to four million at the start of the war due to the fact that blacks were simply bred and sold like cattle.
While modern defenders of the confederacy maintain the lie that slavery itself would have disappeared peacefully in time had Lincoln not made it an issue, the fact is that the Confederate Constitution enshrined slavery as perpetual, actually making it illegal for any one at any point to pas any law “denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves” [Article 1, Section9].
In Article 4, section 2, the constitution enshrined the Dred-Scott fugitive slave amendment into law saying: “No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or unlawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs, or to whom such service or labor may be due.”
Perhaps most indicative of the nature of the struggle that nearly undid the republic in 1861 is the following devotion to British liberal monetarism banning protectionism, national banking, or investments into internal improvements. In Article 1 section 8 of the Confederate Constitution, we read: “no bounties shall be granted from the treasury; nor shall any duties or taxes on importations from foreign nations be laid to promote or foster any branch of industry; and all duties imposed and excises shall be uniform throughout the Confederate States” and Congress shall never “appropriate money for any internal improvement intended to facilitate commerce”.
The City of London’s Two American Confederacy Operations to Undo 1776
The City of London, which 160 years ago, just as today, was the central command of a global financial spider web, was obviously not interested in allowing the USA to get out from under water, and with the gold-backed pound sterling ensured the manipulation of gold prices and orchestrated the buyout of U.S. gold reserves. When Lincoln sought loans to execute the war, whether from Wall Street or International banking houses, the loans were granted only at excessive interest rates of 20-25%.

Russian Ambassador to London de Brunow reported to Moscow of England’s desire to break the Union writing in January 1861:
“The English government, at the bottom of its heart, desired the separation of North America into two republics, which will watch each other jealously and counterbalance one the other. Then England, on terms of peace and commerce with both, would have nothing to fear from either; for she would dominate them, restraining them by their rival ambitions.”
This was not only the opinion of Russia’s ambassador to London, but Robert Gascoyne Cecil (later called the Marquess of Salisbury and three-time Prime Minister of Britain) expressed his viewpoint on the matter in the British Parliament:
“The Northern States of America never can be our sure friends because we are rivals, rivals politically, rivals commercially…With the Southern States, the case is entirely reversed. The population are an agricultural people. They furnish the raw material of our industry, and they consume the products which we manufacture from it. With them, every interest must lead us to cultivate friendly relations, and when the war began they at once recurred to England as their natural ally.” [emphasis added]
British Traitors in America
Historian Robert Ingraham described this impossible situation in 2002:
“In January 1862, Gallatin [head of the NY Associated Banks] presented the bankers’ ultimatum to the Treasury: 1) pay for the war effort through a massive increase of direct taxation of the population; 2) deposit all U.S. government gold in the private New York banks and make those banks the sole (monopoly) agent for the marketing of U.S. government debt (primarily bonds sold in London); 3) suspend the “sub-treasury laws” (government regulation of banks); and 4) withdraw all government-issued paper currency so that only gold and private bank notes would circulate as currency.”
150 years of revisionist historians have obscured the real Lincoln and the true nature of the Civil War as a British run operation to undo the revolution of 1776. The martyred president was always an opponent to slavery and always situated himself in the traditions of the American System of Hamilton describing in 1832 a policy which he later enacted 30 years later: “My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman’s dance. I am in favor of a national bank. I am in favor of the internal improvement system, and a high protective tariff. These are my sentiments and political principles.”
As early as 1839 Lincoln was a loud advocate for reviving a third Hamiltonian National Bank and worked to get Whig president William Harrison elected on that ticket in 1840 (who unfortunately died after only three months in office with a national bank revival act sitting unsigned on his desk). The second (and last) Whig leader to become president in 1851 supported by Lincoln was Zachary Taylor who also died under similarly conspicuous circumstances in the middle of his first term while fighting against America’s proto Deep State. Official cause of death? Eating too many cherries and cold milk.
From this period in the Congress where he became a leading ally of John Quincy Adams alongside other Henry Clay Whigs, Lincoln played a leading role in opposition to the unjust U.S.-Mexican War, Lincoln committed himself consistently to ending not only systems of slavery but also all hereditary power structures internationally which he understood were inextricably connected, saying during an 1858 debate with the slavocracy’s Judge Douglas:
“That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles – right and wrong – throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings.“
The means needed to break both systems of empire and slavery were located in the American System of political economy.
Lincoln Revives the American System
Putting this economic policy into action during the height of the war occurred in a 3-step operation which began with Banking and Currency Acts in 1862 and 1863. These acts established placed the thousands of local state banks under a federal charter with federal supervision for the first time in decades. By imposing a 10% tax on state bank notes, private independent state banks shrank from 1466 in 1861 to only 297 by 1865 and over 1630 national banks took their place.
The Bank Act of 1863 established reserve requirements for the first time, and also capped the interest rates in order to destroy usury within the nation itself. In order to eliminate international interference and manipulation from Wall Street financiers, the Bank Act also forced 75% of all bank directors to reside in the state in which the bank was located and all directors had to be American citizens.
The most important step in this fight was the sovereign control of credit issuance which, according to Article 1 section 8 of the U.S. constitution, can only be affected through the U.S. treasury (an important lesson for anyone serious about ending the privately run Federal Reserve controls over national finance today). Following this constitutional principle, Lincoln issued a new form of currency called Greenbacks which could only be issued against U.S. government bonds. These began being issued with the 1862 Legal Tender Act.
Nationally-chartered banks were now obliged to deposit into the federal treasury totaling at least one third of their capital in exchange for government notes issued by the Mint and Treasury (in order to qualify for federal charters needed to avoid the tax on state bank activities, banks found themselves lending to the government which gave Lincoln an ability to avoid the usurious loans from London and Wall Street.)
New bonds were issued under this scheme called 5-20 bonds (due to their 5-20 year maturation), which citizens purchased as investments into their nations’ survival. These bonds which united “personal self interest” with the general welfare of the nation provided loans to manufacturing as well as served as the basis for the issuance of more Greenbacks. Organized by Lincoln’s ally Jay Cooke (a patriotic Philadelphia banker), the 5-20 bonds were sold in small denominations to average citizens who then had a vested interest in directly participating in saving their nation. Between 1862-1865 these bonds accounted for $1.3 billion. Lincoln described the success of this new approach to finance saying:
“The patriotism of the people has placed at the disposal of the government the large means demanded by the public exigencies. Much of the national loan has been taken by citizens of the industrial classes, whose confidence in their country’s faith and zeal for their country’s deliverance from present peril has induced them to contribute to the support of the government the whole of their limited acquisitions. This fact imposes peculiar obligations to economy in disbursement and energy in action.”
These measures were accompanied by a strong protective tariff to grow American industries as well.
By the beginning of 1865, $450 million in Greenbacks were issued making up over half of all currency in circulation. Greenbacks and 5-20 bonds financed not only the arming, feeding, and payments to soldiers, but also the often-overlooked large scale industrial and rail programs begun during the peak of the war itself… namely the trans continental railway (started in 1863 and completed in 1869 linking for the first time in history a continent from east to west). This was financed through grants and subsidies made possible by the greenbacks which increased government spending power by 300%!
In his 1865 essay How to Outdo England Without Fighting Her, Lincoln’s economic advisor Henry C Carey stated: “The ‘greenback’ has fallen on the country as the dew falls, bringing with it good to all and doing injury to none.”
Unfortunately, the subversion of Lincoln’s American System began quickly with Lincoln’s murder. Rather than impose full reconstruction of the defeated south after the war as Lincoln planned, a new war was waged against Greenbacks led by the City of London and its American agents in Wall Street which ultimately subverted American productive credit with the 1871 Specie Resumption Act. This act killed the greenbacks and tied the republic’s currency to gold submitting the nation to London’s speculative controls while contracting the means of credit from large scale long term infrastructure projects.
In his 1865 inaugural address Lincoln’s treacherous Vice-President Andrew Johnson attacked protectionism and said, “Free trade with all the markets of the world is the true theory of government.”
Contemplating the international scope of the Civil War, Lincoln stated in 1862:
“Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress, and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the last generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we know how to save it. We even here–hold the power and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free–honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last, best hope of earth. Other means may succeed–this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous and just–a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud and God must forever bless… If we do this we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it forever worthy of the saving. We shall have so saved it, that the succeeding millions of free happy people the world over shall rise up and call us blessed, to the latest generations.”
Some Uncomfortable Questions
The story has been told of Lincoln’s murder in tens of thousands of books and yet more often than not the narrative of a “single lone gunman” is imposed onto the story by researchers who are either too lazy or too corrupt to look for the evidence of a larger plot.
How many of those popular narratives infused into the western zeitgeist over the decades even acknowledge the simple fact that within John Wilkes Booth’s possessions was found a $500 bank draft signed by Ontario Bank of Montreal President Henry Starnes (later to become Montreal Mayor) when he was (apparently) shot dead at Garrett Farm on April 26, 1865?
How many people have been exposed to the vast Southern Confederacy secret service operations active throughout the civil war in Montreal, Toronto, and Halifax which was under the firm control of Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin and his handlers in British intelligence?
How many people know that Booth spent at least 5 weeks in the fall of 1864 in Montreal associating closely with the highest echelons of British and Southern intelligence including Starnes, and confederate spy leaders Jacob Thompson and George Sanders?
Demonstrating his total ignorance of the process that controlled him, Booth wrote to a friend on October 28, 1864: “I have been in Montreal for the last 3 or 4 weeks and no one (not even myself) knew when I would return”.
On The Trail of the Assassins
After Lincoln was murdered, a manhunt to track down the intelligence networks behind the assassination was underway that eventually led to the hanging of four low level co-conspirators who history has shown were just as much patsies as John Wilkes Booth.
Days later, President Johnson issued a proclamation saying: “It appears from evidence in the Bureau of Military Justice that the … murder of … Abraham Lincoln … [was] incited, concerted, and procured by and between Jefferson Davis, late of Richmond, Va., and Jacob Thompson, Clement C. Clay, [Nathaniel] Beverly Tucker, George N. Sanders, William C. Cleary, and other rebels and traitors against the government of the United States harbored in Canada.”
Two days before Booth was shot, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton wrote:
“This Department has information that the President’s murder was organized in Canada and approved at Richmond.”
Knowledge of Canada’s confederate operations was well known to the federal authorities in those days even though the majority among leading historians today are totally ignorant of this fact.
George Sanders remains one of the most interesting figures among Booth’s handlers in Canada. As a former Ambassador to England under the presidency of Franklin Pierce (1853-1857), Sanders was a close friend of international anarchist Giuseppe Mazzini – the founder of the Young Europe movement. Sanders who wrote “Mazzini and Young Europe” in 1852, had the honor of being a leading member of the southern branch of the Young America Movement (while Ralph Waldo Emerson was a self-proclaimed leader of the northern branch of Young America). Jacob Thompson, who was named in the Johnson dispatch above, was a former Secretary of the Interior under President Pierce, handler of Booth, and acted as the top controller of the Confederacy secret service in Montreal.
In the book Montreal City of Secrets (2017), author Barry Sheehy proves that not only was Canada the core of Confederate Secret Services, but also coordinated a multi pronged war from the emerging “northern confederacy” onto Lincoln’s defense of the union alongside Wall Street bankers while the president was fighting militarily to stop the southern secession. Sheehy writes:
“By 1863, the Confederate Secret Service was well entrenched in Canada. Funding came from Richmond via couriers and was supplemented by profits from blockade running.”
The Many Shapes of War from the North
Although not having devolved to direct military engagement, the Anglo-Canadian war on the Union involved several components:
Financial warfare: The major Canadian banks dominant in the 19th century were used not only by the confederacy to pay British operations in the construction of war ships, but also to receive much needed infusions of cash from British Financiers throughout the war. A financial war on Lincoln’s greenback was waged under the control of Montreal based confederate bankers John Porterfield and George Payne and also JP Morgan to “short” the greenback.
By 1864, the subversive traitor Salmon Chase had managed to tie the greenback to a (London controlled) gold standard thus making its value hinge upon gold speculation. During a vital moment of the war, these financiers coordinated a mass “sell off” of gold to London driving up the price of gold and collapsing the value of the U.S. dollar crippling Lincoln’s ability to fund the war effort.
Direct Military intervention Thwarted: As early as 1861, the Trent Crisis nearly induced a hot war with Britain when a union ship intervened onto a British ship in international waters and arrested two high level confederate agents en route to London. Knowing that a two-fold war at this early stage was unwinnable, Lincoln pushed back against hot heads within his own cabinet who argued for a second front saying “one war at a time”. Despite this near miss, London wasted no time deploying over 10,000 soldiers to Canada for the duration of the war ready to strike down upon the Union at a moment’s notice and kept at bay in large measure due to the bold intervention of the Russian fleet to both Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the USA. This was a clear message to both England and to Napoleon III’s France (who were stationed across the Mexican border) to stay out of America’s war.

Despite Russia’s intervention, Britain continued to build warships for the Confederacy which devastated the Union navy during the war and which England had to pay $15.5 million to the USA in 1872 under the Alabama Claims.
Terrorism: It is less well known today than it was during the 19th century that confederate terror operations onto the north occurred throughout the civil war with raids on Union POW camps, efforts to burn popular New York hotels, blowing up ships on the Mississippi, and the infamous St Albans raid of October 1964 on Vermont, and attacks on Buffalo, Chicago, Sandusky, Ohio, Detroit, and Pennsylvania. While the St Albans raiders were momentarily arrested in Montreal, they were soon released under the logic that they represented a “sovereign state” at conflict with another “sovereign state” with no connection to Canada (perhaps a lesson can be learned here for Meng Wanzhou’s lawyers?).
Assassination: I already mentioned that a $500 note was found on Booth’s body with the signature of Ontario Bank president Henry Starnes which the failed actor would have received during his October 1864 stay in Montreal. What I did not mention is that Booth stayed at the St Lawrence Hall Hotel which served as primary headquarters for the Confederacy from 1863-65. Describing the collusion of Northern Copperheads, anti-Lincoln republicans, and Wall Street agents, Sheehy writes: “All of these powerful northerners were at St. Lawrence Hall rubbing elbows with the Confederates who used the hotel as an unofficial Headquarters. This was the universe in which John Wilkes Booth circulated in Canada.”
In a 2014 expose, historian Anton Chaitkin, points out that the money used by Booth came directly from a $31,507.97 transfer from London arranged by the head of European confederate secret service chief James D. Bulloch. It is no coincidence that Bulloch happens to also be the beloved uncle and mentor of the same Teddy Roosevelt who became the president over the dead body of Lincoln-follower William McKinley (assassinated in 1901).
In his expose, Chaitkin wrote:
“James D. Bulloch was the maternal uncle, model and strategy-teacher to future U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. He emerged from the shadows of the Civil War when his nephew Teddy helped him to organize his papers and to publish a sanitized version of events in his 1883 memoir, The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe. Under the protection of imperial oligarchs such as Lord Salisbury and other Cecil family members, working in tandem with Britain’s military occupation of its then-colony Canada, Bulloch arranged English construction and crewing for Confederate warships that notoriously preyed upon American commerce.”
The Truth is Buried Under the Sands of History
While four low level members of Booth’s cell were hanged on July 7, 1865 after a four month show trial (1), the actual orchestrators of Lincoln’s assassination were never brought to justice with nearly every leading member of the confederate leadership having escaped to England in the wake of Lincoln’s murder. Even John Surrat (who was among the eight who faced trial) avoided hanging when his case was dropped, and his $25,000 bail was mysteriously paid by an anonymous benefactor unknown to this day. After this, Surrat escaped to London where the U.S. Consuls demands for his arrest were ignored by British authorities.
Confederate spymaster Judah Benjamin escaped arrest and lived out his days as a Barrister in England, and Confederate President Jefferson Davies speaking to adoring fans in Quebec in June 1867 encouraged the people to reject the spread of republicanism and instead embrace the new British Confederation scheme that would soon be imposed weeks later. Davies spoke to the Canadian band performing Dixie at the Royal Theater: “I hope that you will hold fast to their British principles and that you may ever strive to cultivate close and affectionate connections with the mother country”.
With the loss of Lincoln, and the 1868 death of Thaddeus Stevens, Confederate General Albert Pike established restoration of the southern oligarchy and sabotage of Lincoln’s restoration with the rise of the KKK, and renewal of Southern Rite Freemasonry. Over the ensuing years, an all out assault was launched on Lincoln’s Greenbacks culminating in the Specie Resumption Act of 1875 tying the U.S. financial system to British “hard money” monetarism and paving the way for the later financial coup known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
While the Southern Confederacy plot ultimately failed, Britain’s other confederacy operation launched in 1864 was successfully consolidated with the British North America Act of July 1, 1867. The hoped-for extension of trans continental rail lines through British Columbia and into Alaska and Russia were sabotaged as told in the Real Story Behind the Alaska Purchase of 1867.
Instead of witnessing a new world system of sovereign nation states under a multipolar order of collaboration driven by international infrastructure projects as Lincoln’s followers like William Seward, Ulysses Grant, William Gilpin and President McKinley envisioned, a new age of war and empire re-asserted itself throughout the 20th century.
It was this same trifold Deep State that contended with Franklin Roosevelt and his patriotic Vice President Henry Wallace for power during the course of WWII, and it was this same beast that ran the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. As New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison demonstrated in his book On the Trail of the Assassins (1991), Kennedy’s murder was arranged by a complex assassination network that brought into play Southern secret intelligence assets in Louisiana, and Texas, Wall Street financiers, and a strange assassination bureau based in Montreal named Permindex under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. This was the same intelligence operation that grew out of MI6’s Camp X in Ottawa during WWII and changed its name but not its functions during the Cold War. This is the same British Imperial complex that has been attempting to undo the watershed moment of 1776 for over 240 years.
Read Part 1
Read Part 3
In the next installment, we will review the rise of the Cecil Rhodes/Milner Roundtable and how this renewed British Empire sought to re-brand itself during the 20th century under the garb of the pseudo-scientific religious order of eugenics, and world government.
Ryan, I follow you regularly and have followed you and the last american vagabond for years. But this article is total BS it is a mockery against Truth. You need to read – The Real Lincoln and The South Was Right.
All of the material is backed up by US National Archives and other legitimate articles that back it up. This article is a mockery of truth. No instance showed that the South were working with the UK. The whole war was based on what we are fighting now, the North bringing in big government and taxing the people just like the British.
You are entitled to your opinion, and I come to slightly different conclusions on some points, but his conclusions are based on the facts that he provides, the source material is there for you to look at, and he is not making this up. You say “no instance showed” but you can read the link he provides for yourself. I am surprised you would say this without even looking at, and considering, the source material. Lastly, you can feel free to say you disagree with his conclusions, but to say this is “total BS” is simply false. There are entire books written on this, which in and of itself does not make it true, but they too have source material behind the work. It just seems we all have a chosen “truth” about each topic these days and are unwilling to consider an alternate perspective. Not to say that is you, but I hope you will at least read through this again with an open mind, check the source links, and consider it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Hello Ryan,
the multipolar world is nothing more than controlled opposition.
Hello Ryan,
I respect matt a lot but I dont agree with his geopolitics.
Lots of problems with this article, most notably the fact that it flips the war Americans had with central bankers on its head–as if what the author euphemistically calls a “national bank” were a good thing. Corbett’s doc on the federal reserve is much better.
I think it is important not to place these events, and terms used, in the context of the political perceptions of today, which have changed a lot, both the terms and their meanings, as well as the agendas behind them, in many cases. And yes, Corbett’s doc on the Fed is the top of the conversation.
Ryan, thanks for the reply. If you agree that Corbett’s doc is top, then I guess I don’t understand. The positive light in which this article portrays the US central banks of the early 1800s is diametrically opposed to the negative light in which they are portrayed in Corbett’s doc. Am I missing something?
I think you are under the impression that everyone who writes on this platform has to agree with every perspective I have. And although that is how every MSM platform works, and how all of the fake independent platforms works, and even how many of the actual independent platforms works, for me to do so would be ridiculous, because that is ridiculous, and counter to seeking the truth. If you disagree with Matt’s conclusions, that is okay. But you cannot tell me he is basing his conclusions on unproven made up facts. All his source material is included. He is just coming to a different conclusion than you, and that used to be okay, if not respected.
Also, again, I think it is important not to place these events, and terms used, in the context of the political perceptions of today, which have changed in countless ways, both the terms we use and their meanings, as well as the agendas behind them, in many cases.
Fascinating history not so easily available. Thank you. Just one point to make. In spite of whatever was written in a constitution, the reality is that slavery would not have survived long in an independent Confederation. There was too much opposition to it in their European markets for one thing. But the Confederates were stupid to make slavery an issue. They had a perfect constitutional right to succession without giving a reason. On the Unionist side Lincoln should not have engaged in a war over the issue that cost so many lives and destroyed what Margaret Mitchell called a “civilisation”. And the war left him in a weak position for which he and his country paid heavily as the article makes clear. If Lincoln had remained true to his Whig ideals he would not have engaged in a war against succession of the southern states. He would have settled and he made it very clear in quotable comments that he would accept slavery continuing under the right conditions. His weakness lead to the disaster that the US has never recovered from.
While I do not dispute your facts and conclusions in your article-you are only addressing the peel and not the real fruit. No mention of WHO Lincoln was related to, his sexual preferences (originator of the LogCabinRepulicans homosexual group, nor his relationship with JPMorgan, nor his relationship with his WIFE–who was a Rothschild-and who was angry with her spouse for obvious reasons-and who was carrying a white ladies derringer-THE MURDER WEAPON-found in Booth’s hands as he leaped onto the stage and waved that gun screaming IT WASN’T ME. You also do not mention Lincoln’s heritage nor the situation BEFORE George Washington…please look up JOHN HANSON…the REAL first president of what became the corporate UNITIED STATES!
There are hundreds of books, articles written by the British Anglophils lurking in the US, pretending they are citizens of America.
They attract people unsure of themselves – their own powers of reason looking over the long period of history and jump on the innuendo’s and narratives meant to confuse our species ability to use the moral creative inside each born on this planet for, during their lifetime, bring a better world into existence then the one born into.
Washington, Franklin, Hamilton changed the world and those still forging our world the intentions of our founding fathers to now complete the American Revolution, world wide may have some faults but their intent will change our stuck in the mud of singularities if the money manipulation of the British financial system, now in it’s death quivers will be replaced internationally with the economic system of developing our human species as our founding fathers intended.
The world is in the final stage now – the epic phase change – our founders could not even imagine at the time when there were only 1 billion people on our earth. They set the criteria for the explosion that will hopefully never stop as our species, using the scientific economics Lyndon LaRouche used to enhance Hamilton’s economic principals.
I will light a candle for you, Pat., in the hope that somehow, someday, you can use your curiosity to develop the the real reason people are more important – developing their internal power – is more important then an Empires speculative paper now failed promises. Try harmonic self development that spreads to others, instead of flat line strumming.
There’s a number of problems with this take. First, and most importantly, see the creation of fiat debt giving the ability to wage war as a positive. Without Lincoln’s Greenbacks, the North would have been forced to follow the Constitution, and allow the South to seceded, as was their right. Millions would never had died, and Reconstruction, an economic devastation of the South that can still be seen today, would never have occurred. Fiat debt always leads to the worst kind of slavery, the unseen, which is rampant in this country today. It’s as if you never read Griffin.
Second, Lincoln said, in MANY speeches and documents he didn’t give a shit about slavery. His only goal was stopping the Constitutional right of Secession, which he did. Further, the powers denied to the central government, as enshrined in the Constitution were eviscerated during and following the Civil War. It was the culmination of centralization, and the beginning of the end for the very thing Lincoln sought to preserve. The Federal Reserve never would have been possible, nor any of the other three letter agencies that now exist.
The decentralization movement spreading now is a direct attack on Lincoln’s war, and will finally undue all the wrong his government perpetrated on the people.
As to the subject of slavery’s continuity, I suggest you look at Catherine Austin Fits take. Slavery was already economically unfeasible by the Civil War, and regardless of what was written on any paper, would have disappeared on it’s own.
Have you read about the character of Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis? Have you contrasted it with Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman? One side clearly had God on it, the other clearly did not. For further reading, I’d also suggest Taylor’s autobiography.
Was my comment really that harmful to your article, that you refuse to allow it? The fact that you guys are culling comments before they’re posted kind of fly’s in the face of your “open dialog” stance.
What? You mean the your other comment that says it was posted an 12:01pm that we can all see? Assuming will always make you look the fool.