Solutions Expand Your Mind... Government Politics Social Change Tim Bryant Top News

Freedom: Achieved By The Positive Or Negative?

What is freedom? That seems like a simple, straightforward question, but I don’t think I would be sitting here writing this article if that were the case. What one person considers freedom, another might perceive as tyranny. For example, one man might see the police state as freedom in the form of security, while another Read More…

New World Order
Revolution Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Expand Your Mind... Government Social Change Tim Bryant Top News World

It’s Now or Never: The Fight for Freedom

Why is today’s society the way it is? People will often argue that society has always been like this, and that this is its natural state. While others will listen to what they’re told or simply ignore discussion of the topic all together, deeming it too complex to even bother contemplating. However, this appears to Read More…

Hegelian Dialect
Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Government Police State Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Revolution Social Change Tim Bryant Top News World

We Have The Same Enemy, Yet We’re All Divided

The world is in an extremely disharmonic state at the moment and divided in almost every way humanly possible. The battle lines are being set, thanks in large part to the highlighted differences in society through religion, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, politics, economic status, information interpretations, and belief systems. What’s interesting is that diversity is Read More…

Social Change Expand Your Mind... Revolution Tim Bryant Top News

The Art Of “Entertaining The Thought”

Editor’s Note: Consider for a moment what we knew one hundred years ago. Now realize that most of what we knew at that point has changed. What we consider to be incontrovertible facts, have in most cases changed with time, perception and innovation. This article is not making the claim that there are no facts, but Read More…

Revolution Expand Your Mind... Government Politics Social Change Tim Bryant Top News

Our Perception Of Leadership Needs To Change If We Are To Change The World

“Poor leaders push us towards the goal. Great leaders guide us along the journey.” – Simon Sinek When we think of world leaders, what often comes to mind? According to Forbes, the top ten qualities a good leader are honesty, delegation, communication, confidence, commitment, a positive attitude, creativity, intuition, the ability to inspire and being approachable. Read More…

Solutions Expand Your Mind... Revolution Social Change Tim Bryant Top News World

5 Solutions For A New World

With the rise of alternative media, seeing the flaws in mainstream media is quite easy if one knows where to look. It’s also particularly easy these days, thanks to the dawn of the Internet, to dig deep into history and discover that it has been completely misrepresented, along with the many forces behind it. As an Read More…